When you choose to associate yourself with a project of the Let's Thank Foundation, you are giving someone an opportunity to thank you. You can be a volunteer, donor or a sponsor. In whichever capacity that you would like to contribute, we assure you it will be a rewarding experience.
The world is not enough, when it comes to volunteers! Every hand that reaches out to help brings us one step closer to our chosen cause. So, what's stopping you? Put your best foot forward and go the extra mile in making a difference to the world out there...
Sponsoring a project or event needs conviction in the cause. We believe that a cause should be compelling enough to choose you, not the other way round. Only when a cause pulls you towards it irresistibly, that it becomes worthwhile to invest yourself in it...
We envision a world that is passionate about making a difference to humanity and nature. We believe that the essence of life lies in living it with gratitude. Because, a life well-lived, is one which we are thankful for all the blessings, no matter how big or small.
Lets Thank Foundation
18, Rangasamy Road, R.S.Puram,
Coimbatore - 641002. Tamilnadu, INDIA.
Office: +91 422 4292300
PRO: +91 80564 46600
Project Co-ordinator: +91 95666 55936
Project Assistant: +91 95009 89319
E-mail: info@letsthank.in
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